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Physical Therapy Banner


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"Physical Therapists help children learn and improve their ability to move and function. Our Physical Therapists focus on important motor skills such as walking, balance, coordination, and strength."

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Areas Addressed by Physical Therapists:

  • Balance

  • Strength

  • Walking

  • Changing Positions

  • Coordination

  • Gross Motor

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Pediatric Therapy -

Pediatric physical therapy is recommended for movement disorders present at birth or developed early in life. Physical therapy provides benefits for many problems including:

  • Difficulty with hand-eye coordination tasks such as throwing and catching balls

  • Inability to jump, skip, hop or run with skill similar to peers

  • Difficulty sitting and/or standing without support

  • Use of only one side of the body

  • Floppy or limp body posture

  • Using only the arms to crawl

  • Stiff/rigid arms and legs

  • Frequent loss of balance

Why is it Recommended?

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Adult Therapy -

Why is it Recommended?

Adult physical therapy is recommended following a serious injury or surgery.
Physical therapy provides benefits for many problems including:

  • Treatment after surgery or illness to regain strength and endurance

  • Demonstrate treatment techniques designed for individual needs

  • Specialized treatments based on injury/illness/disability

  • Proper body mechanics to avoid injury or re-injury

  • Exercise to treat and strengthen after injury/illness

  • Recommend equipment needed for safety and comfort

Physical Therapy

Treatments with Adults Include:

  • Decreased function due to stroke, brain injury or disability

  • Work-related injuries 

  • Loss of motion of strength

  • Balance disorders

  • Poor endurance

  • Cardiac problems

  • Muscle or skeletal pain

Physical Therapy uses interventions such as specific exercise and manual therapy to help bridge the gap between a patient’s current state of physical wellbeing and where they want to be.

Our Physical Therapists will design a specific treatment plan to reach your goals using one-on-one therapy sessions.

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